Our Programs
Pulse's monthly meetings offer valuable opportunities to stay informed and engaged with the world of patient advocacy. These gatherings are for individuals from all backgrounds — caregivers, patient advocates or just users of the healthcare system. Access the latest insights, exchange ideas, and learn from the experiences of others.
At Pulse, we define “advocate” broadly, as including not only professional patient advocates, but anyone who assists and supports a person receiving medical care.
The last Monday of the month
5:00 PM ET
Where patient advocates — independent, professional or family caregivers — can learn and grow through educational programs that engage participants in thought-
provoking exercises.
The second Monday of the month
7:00 PM ET
The mix of healthcare professionals and patient advocates makes this program supportive, engaging and educational. PPS allows you to network and build resources and support as an advocate or caregiver.
The first Wednesday of the month 7:00 PM ET
Where people share their experiences so others can benefit as caregiver, or someone needing to engage with the healthcare system. PACC encourages finding solutions through learning what has worked for others.

Pulse Advocate Academy is your hub for expert-led courses on patient advocacy, healthcare navigation, and medical safety. Gain valuable knowledge and Continuing Education credits that fulfill the requirements for patient advocate Board certification (BCPA). Whether you're a healthcare professional, caregiver, or simply passionate about healthcare, Pulse Academy offers tailored courses to boost your expertise and make a positive impact. Join us to start your journey of continuous learning in healthcare.

The TakeCHARGE Campaign, an annual initiative by the Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy, promotes patient safety through the 5 Steps to Safer Health Care. Kicking off during Patient Safety Awareness Week in March and ending on International Patient Safety Day on September 17th, the campaign focuses on one step each month. These steps include understanding advance directives, keeping medical records, preparing for doctor visits, preventing infections, and using an advocate.