We now accept Zelle! pulsecpsea@gmail.com
Donate, Payments & Sponsorhips
Your financial support will directly contribute to our ongoing efforts to raise awareness, provide education, and advocate for positive patient outcomes. With your support, we can create a healthcare landscape that prioritizes patient well-being and delivers improved healthcare experiences for all.
Payments for Programs
To help offset the costs of our programs we do request a fee to process CEs for Board Certified Patient Advocates (BCPAs). If due to hardship you cannot pay the fee, please contact Pulse at 516.579.4711 before the program so arrangements can be made. We do not want to turn anyone away. Evaluation must be completed to receive certificate and will be available for 24 hours after the program.
Fee for CEs for PACC is $15​
Fee for CEs for ACES is $20
Please use the donate button to make payment
Additional Donations are Always Welcome!
Your contribution or gift to Pulse CPSEA, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record.